Reciprocal IVF (ROPA)
What is reciprocal IVF method
The reciprocal IVF method (Reception of Oocytes from the Partner) is an assisted reproduction treatment for female couples that allows both to become biological mothers. One provides her oocytes and the other develops the pregnancy.
If you and your partner want to have a baby and you both want to play an active role in the pregnancy, the best option is oocyte transfer from the partner (Reciprocal IVF). This treatment is specifically for lesbian couples and allows one of you to contribute the eggs while the other carries the pregnancy, so you will both be the biological mothers and have the same rights and duties with respect to your future child.
The technique is widespread but is currently only performed at private centres in Spain when clinically indicated and when the two women are legally married. Catalonia is an exception because the Catalan Civil Code permits egg donation between partners in a couple even if they are not married, so long as they are residents in Catalonia is applicable to them.
What are the phases of donor treatment
One of you will be the egg donor (according to medical indication), so you will need to undergo a cycle of In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF). You will be given hormone stimulation to obtain the eggs.

Ovarian stimulation

Follicular puncture


Fertilisation and culture of embryos
What are the phases of the recipient’s treatment
The other will be the recipient and will undergo uterine preparation with oestrogens (hormones) to prepare the uterus for implantation of the embryo.

Preparation of the endometrium

Embryo transfer

Confirmation of the pregnancy
Who it is for
The Reciprocal IVF method is exclusively for lesbian couples wishing to participate jointly in the gestation of a child. A medical assessment is needed for this.
Hence, and in order to assess your chances of success and detect potential problems or risks, the medical history of both partners must be reviewed and both are given a full gynaecological check-up.
Success rates
Why choose us

Personal attention
We will guide you through the entire process, offering personalised treatments suited to your needs. You can also contact our medical team directly at any time.

We are pioneering in reproductive medicine
We have more than 80 years’ experience behind us and a team of highly qualified and specialised professionals. The first Spanish test-tube baby was born in our clinic (1984) and Spain’s first egg donation treatment was carried out here, which culminated in the birth of twins (1988).

Extensive experience, quality and cutting-edge technology
We have one of the top in vitro fertilization laboratories in Europe where we perform over 3,000 cycles (assisted reproduction techniques) each year. We offer the latest advances in assisted reproduction, such as intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) and real-time monitoring of embryo development (dynamic monitoring).

Facilities and 24-hour emergency service
All consultations and medical tests can be done at the clinic: insemination in consultation without hospitalisation or anaesthesia, oocyte retrieval, own IVF and andrology lab. We also offer a 24-hour medical emergency service.

Psychological support
We provide psychological support in case of emotional overload, an issue which frequently affects women who undergo assisted reproduction treatments.
Marta and Paula (Barcelona)
Paula and I met five years ago and we were both very clear about wanting to be mothers. But we started to think seriously about it a year ago, when I turned 38. She is younger and we thought it would be best for her to gestate the baby, but when they told us that we could both participate through the Reciprocal IVF method, we thought it was fantastic and decided that she would donate the oocytes and I would carry the baby. We wanted the clinic to be somewhere we could trust and which also had experience. So we decided on Dexeus Mujer. But we were also treated very warmly and felt very much accompanied, which helped a great deal. I’m almost 22 weeks now and people who see us together always ask “You’re pregnant? And you’re both the biological mothers? But how is that possible?” The name of the method is not that well known but everyone understands it when you explain it to them. The only downside is that, for legal reasons, you have to be married to do it, but that wasn’t a problem for us.
More information and prices
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What is the best treatment for me?
If you don’t know which treatment is best suited to you, try our online pre-diagnosis.