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Artificial insemination with donor’s semen treatment at Dexeus Fertility

Dexeus Fertility is providing you with all the necessary information for you to take a step forward towards maternity. You can find here a detailed description of all the stages of the process and the medical treatment, so you can take your decision knowing exactly what will be happening at all times.

Initial consultation

The process starts with an initial consultation with one of our gynaecologists. The cost is € 100 *, which will be deducted from the total cost of any fertility treatment you undergo at our centre within the next six months.

This consultation is recommended for patients who have already undergone fertility tests.

Initial consultation with fertility testing

If you have not yet had any fertility tests, we offer an initial consultation with comprehensive fertility testing to help establish a diagnosis and determine the most suitable treatment for you.

The cost is € 145 *, which will be deducted from the total cost of any fertility treatment you undergo at our centre within six months.

It includes:

Promo 30% discount

* If you are already a Dexeus Mujer patient, you will receive a 30% discount on your first consultation.


Scheduling of the cycle of insemination and start of treatment.

The artificial insemination, step by step

Initial consultation

First gynaecology visit to review your medical history, and that of your partner if you are in a relationship.

Hormone treatment

Previous hormone treatment to stimulate ovulation.

Day of insemination

Collection and processing of the semen sample from the partner or thawing and preparation of the donor sample.

Semen sample collection and processing


Thawing and preparation of the donor sample



The sperm sample is deposited inside the uterus. This is a very simple and painless procedure. You will only have to remain at rest for 10 to 15 minutes after the insemination. It is done in the same office.

What does artificial insemination with donor’s semen include?


1.425 €
Patient monitoring phase (visits, hormonal analysis and ultrasound controls)
Semen bank
Semen sample processing and Assisted Reproduction Laboratory
Pregnancy analysis (ß-HCG)
Pregnancy confirmation ultrasound (6 weeks)
End of cycle consultation by videoconference

If you live in Spain:

Financiación sin intereses

Please notice that you can benefit from a 24-month financing with no interests.

Ecografía Embarazo

The BHCG test as well as the pregnancy confirmation echography can both be done in our center at no additional cost.

Not included:


1 The medication must be purchased from a pharmacy with the prescriptions provided.

We have designed this table to help you compare our quote with that of other clinics:

Why carry out artificial insemination with donor’s semen treatment at Dexeus Fertility?

Our success rates speak for themselves

25% of our patients have a history of treatment failure in other clinics. Despite this, success rates are around 60% on a first try and around 80% cumulative total.

The best results come from experience

With more than 50 years of experience, we are pioneers in Reproductive Medicine in Spain. In Dexeus Fertility was born the first baby through IVF in Spain in 1984 and also took place the birth of the first baby (twins) as a result of egg donation in our country (1988).

Own laboratories and multidisciplinary teame

We have one of the most important In Vitro Fertilisation laboratories in Europe, which carries out more than 3,000 cycles per year. We have our own laboratories for In vitro Fertilisation, Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGT), Andrology and Cryopreservation, which centralises and speeds up the results.

The only surprise you will get is the joy of your pregnancy

When comparing alternatives, it’s important to make sure what’s included and what’s not. At Dexeus Fertility we provide a fixed price. In addition, you can finance your treatment interest-free.

You seek security and we guarantee it

You will be in the best hands and in a high-standard hospital environment, which guarantees the best medical care, with a 24 hours emergency service. The hospital is COVID-19 Applus Hospital Safe certified.

Quality guarantee

We have ISO 9001 quality certifications for all the centre’s activities, including the assisted reproduction laboratories.

Technology improves the results

We have the latest technological advances, such as sperm microinjection (ICSI) or embryo development monitoring in real time (embryo dynamic monitoring), so you can follow the treatment, step by step, with the highest success rate.

Pioneering Centre in R&D&i

We are pioneers in Research, Development and Innovation (R&D&i) and carry out research studies focused on improving the effectiveness of assisted reproduction techniques, which allows us to be at the forefront of knowledge in this field.

Time optimisation and maximum comfort

Your time and comfort are very important to us. That is why we integrate, in the same centre, the entire circuit of diagnoses, treatments, consultations and interventions.

We understand and accompany you throughout the process

We offer you a range of additional services, such as psychological support, acupuncture or nutrition, which can help you throughout the process.

Personal attention

We provide personalised follow-up in each case. Furthermore, it is essential that you can communicate with the medical team in the language in which you feel most comfortable. With us you can do so in Spanish, Catalan, English, French, Italian, German, Russian and Arabic.