One, two or three? How many embryos to transfer back in the womb?

Have you been through IVF or offered fertility treatment? Are you worried about having twins? Have you been informed about the risks of different options?

There is very little information on the wishes of patients when it comes to know how many embryos to transfer during in vitro fertilisation treatment.

At ESHRE, they are looking at the scientific and clinical evidence to publish an international guideline on the topic of embryo transfer, but they realized they are missing information on what our patients really want.

Please complete this survey and let them know what you know, what you wish and what you have experienced regarding the number of embryos to transfer during in vitro fertilisation treatment and the chances of having children. This survey is done by ESHRE in collaboration with Fertility Europe.

Your input will be a very important resource for this guideline for fertility doctors.

Please note that some questions or answers might not be applicable to your situation because IVF regulations differ across countries. You will be able to skip them.