Author: Dexeus Mujer

Fertility: 5 reasons to get a check-up

If motherhood is not in your short-term plans, it is likely that you have not considered having any check-ups. Not even if you have it in mind unless you have had a problem. This is normal, as most of us take it for granted that we are fertile from the moment our period first comes. But having a period is not a guarantee that our reproductive system works well. In fact, the only way to know for sure is to have a fertility test, something that no one considers unless instructed by an expert. However, there are many factors...

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Shared motherhood

Aida and Rebeca first met at the University and, after seven years of living together, they decided to become mothers, an adventure that they wanted to undertake when they were young, and that from a reproductive point of view is highly recommended, since it increases the chances of achieving a pregnancy. To do that, they chose our centre, Dexeus Mujer, and chose the ROPA method, an assisted reproduction treatment that allows one to donate the egg and the other to carry the baby. The result was Ander, “the happiest kid in the world!” as they say, who he is...

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Artificial insemination: is it worth trying?

If you are young and do not have a male partner, but want to be a mother, you may wonder if intrauterine insemination is worth trying. The answer is yes, but only if you meet the appropriate conditions. Most women choose it for various reasons: it is the closest thing to natural fertilization, it is faster, cheaper, and less invasive than in vitro Fertilization (IVF), and it allows several attempts to be made in a short period of time. However, it is important to know that the chances of achieving a pregnancy with this technique are lower than with...

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Endometriosis and fertility: answers to 10 frequent questions

For many women, endometriosis is a little-known disease, which they have never, or almost never heard of. However, there are more than 200 million in the world who live with it, and who fight to increase social awareness of this pathology, which, in addition to affecting the quality of life, can compromise fertility. It is therefore essential to diagnose it as soon as possible. However, it is not always easy, because sometimes it does not cause symptoms, and other times the pain it produces coincides with the menstrual period, which means that it can go unnoticed. If you are...

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Prevention is the key for a future against cancer

On February 4, World Cancer Day was celebrated. A disease that affects an increasingly high percentage of women at some point in their lives. Prevention is the key for the future of the fight against cancer, therefore, making small changes in your daily habits, you can also prevent it. By living a healthy life, can I avoid cancer? Healthy living and proper nutrition may not prevent you from developing cancer, but it will certainly allow you to be better prepared to fight and overcome it. What can I do to avoid cancer? Nothing can 100% prevent the appearance of...

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