Author: Dexeus Mujer

Become an explorer against cancer!

This month, on the occasion of World Breast Cancer Day, Dexeus Mujer and Women’secret have launched the “Become an explorer” campaign, aimed at encouraging women to be more proactive in the early detection of breast cancer. Indeed, when this disease is detected at an early stage, the chances of recovery are higher. This is why the campaign recommends breast self-examination, in addition to regular check-ups. If you don’t know how to do a self-exam, watch this video to find out. The campaign is part of a wider collaboration project between Dexeus Mujer and Women’secret, which also promotes the charity...

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Fertile days: myths and truths

If you are trying to get pregnant, it is essential that you know when your most fertile days are. There are several methods for finding out: calculators, mobile apps, ovulation tests, measuring your basal temperature, etc. But it doesn’t hurt to be well informed so that you don’t leave everything to these tools, especially if your periods are irregular or if you experience any imbalance that could affect ovulation or your menstrual cycle. Besides, you have probably heard many things on this subject, and not all of them are true. Dr. Piotr Sokol, a fertility specialist at Dexeus, tells...

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“Thanks to embryo donation, Biel is here”

Embryo donation is a not very well-known fertility treatment. It consists in transferring to the patient’s uterus an embryo that has been donated altruistically by other women or couples who no longer wish to have children. It is recommended in cases where a double donation (eggs and sperm) is required. The advantage over double donation treatments is that it saves time, as there is no need to look for a suitable egg donor or check that she is compatible with the sperm donor. In addition, the selected embryo has undergone many previous control checks and meets the necessary quality...

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Conceiving with endometriosis: Will I need fertility treatment?

If you have endometriosis and are thinking about becoming a mother in the short or long term, you have probably asked yourself this question. The good news is that fertility treatment is not always necessary.  However, at least 30% of women with endometriosis have trouble getting pregnant. It is also known that a third of women with fertility problems have some form of endometriosis, which means this condition can make it more difficult to conceive. But, although there are some highly complex cases, having endometriosis does not necessarily mean that you will have a worse result if you undergo...

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Can genetic abnormalities be avoided?

Whether you are trying to get pregnant or wish to undergo a fertility treatment, you should know that there are several tests available to assess the risk of genetic alterations in the foetus. You may think this is very unusual or that it is unlikely to happen to you, but it can happen. One of the most common causes of genetic abnormalities is delayed motherhood, as over the years the oocytes age and genetic alterations or errors are mole likely to occur during cell division and embryo development. Down Syndrome is one of the best-known examples of this. In...

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