Author: Dexeus Mujer

Ovarian ageing: 5 interesting facts

We all worry about our first wrinkles and our first grey hairs, but we rarely ask ourselves how the passage of time affects our heart or other organs in our body, let alone our ovaries. Yet, ovaries are among the fastest ageing organs. Deterioration begins at the age of 30, and from the age of 35 onwards, this process accelerates progressively. Therefore, from a biological point of view, doctors consider that from the age of 35 a woman is already “old” to become a mother. The problem is that nowadays, at least in Western countries and especially in Spain,...

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What is perineal massage?

At Dexeus Mujer we want to be by your side throughout your pregnancy, so we bring you an exercise that will help you prepare for childbirth: perineal massage. Massaging the muscles and ligaments of the perineal area promotes flexibility and reduces the chances of tearing and episiotomy in childbirth, and if you do it every day you will be more prepared to try to have the most natural birth possible. This massage is the best training for childbirth, so you should do it daily from the 32nd week of your...

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Humanitarian project in Cameroon, will you help us?

On 17 February 2023, a team of gynaecologists from Dexeus Mujer will leave for Cameroon on a humanitarian mission to provide medical care to the population and train local surgeons. Their goal is to perform at least 50 surgeries related to the gynaecological pathologies that most frequently affect African women. The project is promoted by Elisa Beltrame, together with the Fundación Dexeus Mujer and the Fundación Jean-Félicien Gacha. Our team includes Dr Pere Barri Soldevila, el Dr Alberto Rodríguez Melcón, Dr Núria Barbany and three fourth-year gynaecology residents: Dr Claudia Montero, Dr María Pellisé and Dr Manuel Sánchez Prieto....

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Merry Christmas!

Christmas is always a good time to pause, look back on your year, reflect and, of course, celebrate! That’s why at Dexeus Mujer we want to celebrate with you our greatest achievements in 2022. Let’s celebrate that our family is growing and that we are now closer to you thanks to all our centres. But, most of all, let’s celebrate that for yet another year we continue to be a leading international institution in the field of women’s health. Thank you so much for trusting us and celebrating our achievements. Our team at Dexeus Mujer wishes you a Merry...

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Implantation bleeding or period bleeding? 5 basic differences

After the embryo transfer or during the first weeks of pregnancy, you may experience light bleeding, but that does not mean you are not pregnant or that you are going to lose your baby. In fact, spotting is quite common in early pregnancy: it happens in 3 out of 10 pregnancies. The reason for this is that the walls of the uterus contain a large number of blood vessels. Their purpose is to supply nutrients and facilitate the development of the embryo inside the uterus. However, some of the veins or capillaries on the surface of the endometrium —...

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