Author: Dexeus Mujer

How to prevent infertility from damaging your couple’s relationship

If you have a partner, parenthood should be a shared project, although in practice this is not always the case. Sometimes it is challenging just to agree on when to start trying for a baby, especially if there is a significant age difference between the two of you or if one of you already has children from a previous relationship. It is also common for one partner to “push” for a child more than the other. However, it is essential for both partners to share the same desire for parenthood. This will allow them to support each other throughout...

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Recurrent pregnancy loss: what steps should be taken?

Pregnancy loss is quite common. It is estimated that about 10% to 20% of pregnancies end in miscarriage, although the actual figure may be higher as miscarriages often occur even before the pregnancy is known.  In most cases, the cause of pregnancy loss is embryonic: the embryo does not develop properly or is non-viable, leading to the woman’s body ending the pregnancy naturally. Doctors often consider this to be a one-off event and do not give it much importance. But what if it happens more than once? Are there other possible causes? What protocol is usually followed in these...

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How does polycystic ovary syndrome affect fertility?

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is not a fertility problem per se, but it can lead to irregular cycles or a lack of ovulation. It is caused by an imbalance in the hormones responsible for regulating the menstrual cycle, resulting in impaired ovulation, which can make it more difficult to become pregnant.  In addition, it is a multifactorial disorder that can lead to the development of diabetes and obesity, two health issues that also have a negative impact on fertility and can have repercussions on a woman’s potential pregnancy and overall health. However, not all women who suffer from it...

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The best gift is your health

Christmas is the time of year when we give and receive the most gifts, but at Dexeus Mujer we know that the most important gifts are not always material things. That’s why this 2023 we want to remind you that the best gift is your health, having a healthy pregnancy and feeling good about yourself. For us, the best gift is learning together, being closer to you and, of course, staying by your side year after year. Thank you very much for placing your trust in us and celebrating alongside us every day. Happy holidays from all the Dexeus Mujer team! HAPPY...

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Feeling nervous about your embryo transfer? Here are some before and after tips

The day of the embryo transfer is a key moment in an IVF treatment process. We look forward to it and even though we know that success doesn’t depend on us, “we want to do things right” to help the embryo implant as much as possible. Doctors often say you should just go about your “normal life” because many women get pregnant naturally without knowing it and don’t do anything special. But in the case of fertility treatments, the situation is different, because most patients have come a long way to get to the transfer, and they have a...

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