Author: Dexeus Mujer

Interview with Dr Nikolaos Polyzos “We strive to find solutions for difficult cases”

Dr. Nikolaos Polyzos, clinical and scientific director at the Reproductive Medicine Unit at Dexeus Mujer has spent many years treating older women with low ovarian reserve or who show inadequate response to hormonal stimulation treatments, two situations which make it especially difficult to achieve pregnancy. His message to all these women is not to lose hope, as many research studies are under way which aim to improve current results. What does the term “ovarian reserve” mean? Ovarian reserve is a term that we doctors use to estimate the quantity of follicles in the ovaries, as well as their quality....

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What if menopause presents prematurely…?

Early menopause: causes and useful tips In some women, the ovaries cease to function before they are expected to. When this happens before the age of 40 years, the doctors call it “premature ovarian failure”. This means that the woman ceases to be fertile, but also that her ovaries’ capacity to produce hormones is depleted, which can affect her well-being and health, “since female hormones have many functions other than those strictly related to reproduction: they help to maintain proper bone density, protect the cardiovascular system, stimulate lubrication and sexual urge and promote the memory and skin or body...

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Becoming a father at 50: what’s the biological limit for men?

Due to their ability to continue producing new sperm, men remain fertile for longer than women. However, studies show that the sperm produced by men around the age of 60 does not have the same fertility potential as that of a 25-year-old, because from the age of 45 onward, the potential for fertilisation and conception through intercourse is reduced. So how does ageing affect male fertility? For starters, it has been shown to affect the production of hormones and sperm, and while there is still much to investigate, available data and results show that as with any other cell in the body, the...

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What do you know about polycystic ovaries?

There is generally some confusion about this matter. To start with, the name suggests the presence of multiple cysts in the ovary. However, they aren’t cysts, but follicles, i.e., developing eggs. What’s more, the term has become very popular because many young girls’ ovaries “look polycystic” but function normally. The reason for this is that their ovaries haven’t matured yet and the problem usually disappears with time. What’s known as “polycystic ovary syndrome” is a more complex endocrine disorder caused by a hormone imbalance. If you want to learn more about it, read this post. What is the cause? It’s not known...

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