Author: Dexeus Mujer

What are the chances of your child being born with a rare disease?

Dexeus Mujer offers its patients a genetic test to detect the most common hereditary diseases While most people will have heard of “rare diseases”, most of us are in the dark about them, unless we know somebody who is affected. However, the fact that these diseases are described as rare does not mean that they do not affect a lot people or that there are only a few. Over 6,000 rare diseases have been identified to date, and in Europe alone, 30 million people live with one. Furthermore, rare diseases can affect anyone, as they are usually caused by...

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Assisted reproduction: new research

Dexeus Mujer promotes research to improve infertility options Female infertility can have a number of causes: the woman may have reached the age of 40 (or be much older), they may have a low ovarian reserve, be in early menopause or have a poor response to hormonal stimulation treatments. As women, are we going about planning motherhood the wrong way? It isn’t so much a planning issue as it is a lack of information. Egg quality starts to plummet after age 36. What does ‘ovarian reserve’ mean? This term refers to the number and quality of antral follicles in...

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When is the best time to become a mother?

Postponing motherhood with egg freezing This is what actress Eva Longoria did and she has just given birth to her first child at age 43. Due to work commitments and contracts, the actress decided to freeze her eggs while she was working on the “Desperate Housewives” series. This way, she was able to delay motherhood. So what exactly is egg freezing? It involves extracting healthy eggs in order to freeze them using cryopreservation so that they can be used when needed. The ultra-fast freezing process is known as vitrification. The vitrified eggs are unharmed by the process and their conditions...

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Interview with Dr Nikolaos Polyzos “We strive to find solutions for difficult cases”

Dr. Nikolaos Polyzos, clinical and scientific director at the Reproductive Medicine Unit at Dexeus Mujer has spent many years treating older women with low ovarian reserve or who show inadequate response to hormonal stimulation treatments, two situations which make it especially difficult to achieve pregnancy. His message to all these women is not to lose hope, as many research studies are under way which aim to improve current results. What does the term “ovarian reserve” mean? Ovarian reserve is a term that we doctors use to estimate the quantity of follicles in the ovaries, as well as their quality....

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