Author: Dexeus Mujer

What do you know about Polycystic ovary syndrome?

We’re sure that this is not the first time you hear this expression! But do you know exactly what it means to have polycystic ovaries? If the answer is no, don’t worry! In fact, there is a lot of confusion about this term. At first, it seems to indicate the presence of multiple cysts in the ovary. But this is not the case. Doctors use it when they detect a large number of follicles in the ovaries. But follicles are not cysts, but structures that contain eggs that have not yet matured. This is common in young women and,...

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What if I can’t have children with my own ovules?

Doubts are completely normal. And they usually go together with other emotions: sadness, frustration, rejection, guilt, fear, disappointment, uncertainty… So, whether you decide to go on or not, you must allow you a time to think about it and emotionally prepare yourself, as giving up the idea of having a biological child always involves a loss. That’s why this process is technically called “genetic grief”. In this post, Sandra García Lumbreras, responsible for the Psychology Unit at Dexeus Mujer gives us some helpful recommendations: It’s not all about genetics. Some studies prove that the environment in which a baby grows up...

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Do you have any doubt about hormonal contraception?

Most of women have many doubts about the correct use of hormonal contraceptives and their effects, because they don’t know exactly how they work and whether there are differences between them. In this post, we’ll try to remove some of the most common doubts, but remember that your gynaecology is the right person who can help you with that. 1. How do they work? Hormonal contraceptive methods contain synthetic molecules similar to those regulating the feminine menstrual cycle and they combine two types of hormones: oestrogens and progestins. They inhibit ovulation, thicken cervical mucus and reduce endometrial thickness. 2. Are all methods...

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Diet and fertility: does it really work?

It is proved that a healthy lifestyle can contribute to ameliorate our general health, but fertility depends on many different factors – genetic, hormonal, physical, emotional… – and can be affected by multiple causes. For this reason, we asked Dr Beatriz Álvaro, expert in Gynaecological Endocrinology, and Xus Murciano, responsible for the Nutrition Unit, to answer some question: Green leafy vegetables: why are they recommended? They are rich in folic acid, a B group vitamin that helps to prevent foetal malformations. But in order to ensure the necessary dose, you need to take a supplement from at least one month...

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When is your baby due? the enigma of the due date

Every baby grows up at its own pace and we really can’t predict when the delivery process will naturally start. Moreover, the on-line due date calculators determine the estimated due date (EDD) and they can only give you an indicative date. Why? Because they calculate it on the basis of your last menstruation and of the idea that ovulation happens 14 days after that. Then they add 40 weeks to this date – that is the period in which a pregnancy is considered to have come to an end – et voilà: there you have your EDD! But you must...

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