Author: Dexeus Mujer

Does sport improve fertility?

Contrary to what is believed, being fit or having a good physical appearance does not necessarily mean being healthy or being more fertile. But normally people who play sports and take care of their physical appearance also tend to take care of their health, and a healthy person, in principle, does not have to suffer from reproductive problems. Therefore, one thing is associated with the other. However, sport in itself does not enhance fertility, and practising it intensively may even be counterproductive. So, being June the month of fertility,  Dr María Fernanda Peraza, andrologist and specialist in sexual health...

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Anna’s story

When I was 43 years old a doctor  from the International Department of Dexeus Mujer advised me to opt for embryo donation. It was very difficult decision for me to take. I had to thinking about it a lot. Luckily, the first  attempt was successful. Now I am very happy because I am pregnant (It Is 20 th week of pregnancy ). We both (me and my child are in good health). The child developing well. Everything is fine. I am so grateful to the doctor, the biologist and the coordinator from the the International Department of Dexeus Mujer Clinic for support,...

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STORIES TO TELL: a space for you

You have fulfilled with us your dream to be mother and you would like to tell us how you experienced the whole process? You’re going through a treatment in our centre and you’d like to share your experiences?  Would you like to help other women telling them how you felt or how you managed to overcome the difficult moments? In our section Stories to tell we offer our patients a space where you can leave all your personal experiences. Would you like to share your story with our blog’s readers? Send us your text to and, if you...

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Clear up any doubts about egg donation

If you want to be mother and you’ve been advised to go for an egg donation treatment, or if you don’t rule this possibility out, it’s normal to have many questions about it: which are its success rates? How will my donor be? How long does it take to find a suitable one? What does the screening consist of? And the matching? Will I take a hormonal treatment, or won’t it be necessary? Doctors know that, even if each case is different, there are many repeated questions during consultations, because they regard general matters or aspects of the process...

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Low ovarian reserve: 10 data that interest you

If you are trying to get pregnant and you have been diagnosed with a low ovarian reserve, it is likely you sense that something is not going well. But don’t be alarmed. It is an increasingly common problem due to the delay of motherhood. And yes, it affects fertility, because it indicates that the number of oocytes that potentially can mature and be fertilized is below the level that is considered “normal”. But that doesn’t mean you can’t be a mother. In this post, Dr Nikolaos Polyzos, who works in our centre and is one of the best European...

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