Author: Dexeus Mujer

Assisted Reproduction during the pandemic

GUIDE FOR ASSISTED REPRODUCTION PATIENTS DURING THE PANDEMIC A few days ago, the Spanish Ministry of Health has given the green light to the restart of activity in assisted reproduction centers. This is great news, especially if you had to interrupt your treatment due to the pandemic. But, obviously, the current situation is going to make things change a bit, since it requires establishing a series of security and preventive measures to minimize any risk. If this is your case, and you are wondering what changes have been introduced or what you should do, in this post we offer...

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The importance of maintaining a good psychological balance during assisted reproduction treatments

An assisted reproduction treatment can be a difficult and stressful experience. In this post, Fiammetta Grignolo, psychologist of our Psychology Unit, talks about the impact of assisted reproduction treatments in personal and couple life and the importance of containing the psychological discomfort they can entail. The difficulty to procreate can cause an intense emotional crisis in the woman and the couple’s relationship, which is manifested by feelings of denial, loss, fear and anxiety. Resorting to assisted reproduction techniques represents the possibility of satisfying the desire to become parents, but it also means facing a new and unknown situation, characterized...

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Recommendations to reduce the risk of coronavirus infection

In recent days several positive cases have been detected throughout Europe and, for this reason, we want to inform you that at Dexeus Mujer we are closely following their evolution and we are in contact with Salud Pública of the Ministry of Health of Spain to follow all the protocols they set. Coronavirus COVID-19 does not have, at present, specific treatment and affects older people who have serious underlying conditions rather than children and pregnant women. Anyway, from Dexeus Mujer we want to share recommendations to reduce the risk of infection: Perform extra hand hygiene. Wash your hands frequently...

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What’s your opinion on egg freezing?

Do you know that you can freeze your oocytes to postpone motherhood? Have you ever talked about it with your friends? What do you think about it? Do you know someone who has done it? Would you do it? Although the demand for this treatment has grown a lot in recent years, it is still a topic that is little talked about and about which information is lacking. In this video, four women aged between 20 and 37 answer these and other questions, and two of them, who decided to do it, tell us about their...

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Against cancer, play sports!

Everyone knows that playing sports is beneficial to health, but not that it reduces the risk of developing cancer, and that in people who have had this disease it protects against possible relapses and helps to better face the treatment.  It is very good news! And many scientific studies prove it. The World Health Organization corroborates it and offers practical recommendations for different age groups (see box at the end). However, not all oncologists advise their patients to play sports, and, although advised, only a third of them follow the recommendations of their doctor. So, on the occasion of...

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